FDC M2E Club

FundogeC Move to Earn Club

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FDC is a promising new Web3 Funlife SocialFi app

FDC is currently under planning and development, so contents in the Whitepaper could be changed in the future.

FDC is a Web3 Fun life SocialFi app that rewards Players’ activities with FDC tokens, NFTs and FDC benefits, earning tokens by walking, jogging, or running with dogs outdoors, or playing with dogs.

Users need to purchase FDC NFTs in order to start on playing activities for earning tokens. Rewards are based on the distance traveled, the type of NFT, and the time of day, and the number of points earned through fun playing with dogs. The amount of tokens earned is based on the distance traveled, the type of activity, the time of day, fun activities with dogs. Dogs to play together can be real dogs or digital dogs. Two times reward at playing with real dogs. Tokens can be used to purchase in-game items, upgrade sneakers, or withdraw to fiat currency.

FDC differs from other M2E fitness apps in a few key ways. First, FDC focuses on fun life and fitness  walking, jogging, running, and playing with dogs, while other apps focus on general fitness activities. Second, FDC uses NFTs to track user activity, while other apps use traditional user accounts. Third, ABC uses a two-tiered reward system, with users earning more tokens for playing with real dogs.

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  • Earn tokens by walking, jogging, or running with dogs outdoors, or playing with dogs  inside.
  • Purchase NFTs to start on playing activities for earning tokens.
  • Rewards are based on the distance traveled, the type of NFT, the time of day, and the number of points earned through fun playing with dogs.
  • Tokens can be used to purchase in-game items, upgrade sneakers, or withdraw to fiat currency.
  • People who are interested in getting fit and earning money at the same time.
  • People who love dogs and want to spend more time with them.
  • People who are interested in Web3 technology and want to be a part of the next generation of fitness apps.
  • Get fit and earn money at the same time.
  • Spend more time with dogs.
  • Be a part of the next generation of fitness apps.
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Getting Started

  1. Download the app
  2. Connect your wallet:  You can use any wallet that supports the ABC token, such as MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet.
  3. Purchase an FDC  NFT:

    There are some options on how to get them:

    -Buying on the FDC Marketplace, -By Minting, -By Staking FDC tokens, -By Air Drops

  4. Start walking, jogging, or running with doge outdoor, or playing with doge indoor.
  5. Use your tokens

Tokens can be used to purchase in-game items, upgrade your NFT, or withdraw to fiat currency.

You can buy on Marketplace

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